Post Secondary Education Attainment

Our Goal

The Spartanburg Academic Movement (SAM) is a partnership of education, business, government, foundation, community, and leaders across Spartanburg County (SC), working together in pursuit of high levels of academic success for all children. Since our inception, our goal has been to significantly increase postsecondary enrollment in Spartanburg County by 2030.  

Our Vision

Recent investments in SAM and the county’s education efforts present a unique opportunity to leverage existing work and build pathways where all our residents can access college and meaningful careers. To achieve this vision, SAM is driving the creation of a community action plan that builds on the timely and urgent work of OneSpartanburg Inc.’s Vision 2.0 plan, bringing together Spartanburg stakeholders to help implement actionable and scalable solutions that will strengthen education and workforce pathways. 

To this end, SAM has convened a Postsecondary Educational Attainment Steering Committee who will guide the next phase of work and community investment and energize the County around four outcomes:

BY The Numbers

Post Secondary Education Attainment In the News