WYFF 4 News Coverage: Drop in FAFSA Completion Rates is Cause for Concern


Following data provided by SAM, highlighting a 7% drop in FAFSA completion rates for high school seniors across Spartanburg County, and the local research showing that students completing the FAFSA are three times more likely to attend college, WYFF News 4 highlighted current efforts to improve completion rates:

SAM recently reported the concern and its efforts to work with community partners to provide supports for students and families in completing the FAFSA: https://www.learnwithsam.org/blog/2021/2/22/money-on-the-table.

SMC FAFSA Night.png

To participate in an upcoming free, FAFSA completion events pre-registration is required to support Covid-19 safety protocols. Note, while these events are hosted at local colleges, there is no requirement to plan to enroll at any one institution. As SAM partners, Spartanburg Community College (SCC) and USC Upstate are committed to helping improve post-secondary enrollment rates for all Spartanburg County students regardless of where they ultimately choose to attend. Spartanburg Methodist College financial aid counselors and staff have already hosted one FAFSA completion event and helping several students and their families move one step closer to realizing their college dreams!