This two-day conference being held from 10 AM -2 PM on Sept. 15 and Sept. 17, facilitated by the Forum for Youth Investment and the David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality.
10 AM - 2 PM Tuesday, September 15 and
10 AM - 2 PM Thursday, Sept. 17
Your registration covers participation in both days’ training.
Whole Group: Essentials of a Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Framework - 8 Essentials for readying and deepening a program’s efforts to foster social, emotional, and cognitive development; including SEL competencies, staff practices, and program design to support positive student outcomes regardless of the program curriculum, content, or delivery.
Breakout Sessions:
A: Engaging Youth in Supported Struggle - learn practical ways to normalize struggle and foster a growth mindset that acknowledges social iniquities while encouraging perseverance, high expectations, and hope.
B: Cultivating Empathy ) - deepen your understanding of how people interact and feel emotions; personally experience hot buttons and emotional activation, and explore self-regulation in this experiential workshop
Whole Group: Fostering Equity and Belonging
Breakouts: small-group planning for next-steps and supports needed for new OST members/partners.
This event is funded in part through a grant from America’s Promise Alliance, How Learning Happens initiative.